Monday 25 August 2014

The Old Hakka

The old All Blacks

The old Haka called "Ka Mate" means "I Die". This was the first Haka that had been used by the Māori tribe and the old All Blacks had been using this Haka before the rugby game started. This old Haka is more toward the spiritual side.

Ka Mate! Ka Mate! Ka Ora! Ka Ora! 
(I die! I die! I live! I live!)
Tenei Te Tangata Puhuru Huru
(This is the hairy man)
Nana Mei I Tiki Mai
(Who brought the sun)
Whakawiti Te Ra
(And caused it to shine again)
A upane! Ka upane!
(A step upward! Another step upward!)
Whiti Tera!
(The sun shines)

The origin of this old Haka comes from one of the Māori tribes, Hatorou, that had a conflict with another tribe,Waikato, and when Waikato had ask other tribes to join him to go against Hatorou, the chief started to seek for help from a their tohunga which is some sort of a priest and the chief muttered the word "Ka Mate, Ka Ora" as a war cry.

reference 1
reference 2

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